Use as Node Modules
package provides some High-Level APIs.
- If you want to load
, please usetextlint
package - If you do not want to load
, please use@textlint/kernel
CLI(Command Line Interface)
CLI parse command arguments, and run Engine with the options. It returns exit code.
import { cli } from "textlint";
const result = await cli.execute(`./ --rule textlint-rule-no-todo`);
assert.strictEqual(result, 0);
textlint v12.3.0 introduced a new API, and textlint and will drop support for the old API (textlint
, TextLintEngine
, TextFixEngine
, and TextLintCore
) in the future. The old API does not support ECMAScript modules like the new API does. For guidance on migration, see the migration guide section below.
: create linter instancelintFiles(files): Promise<TextlintResult[]>
: lint files and return linter messageslintText(text, filePath): Promise<TextlintResult>
lint text with virtual filePath and return linter messages- The virtual file path does not need to be a real file, rather it should hint the content type being passed to lintText. For example, if
is Markdown,filePath
- The virtual file path does not need to be a real file, rather it should hint the content type being passed to lintText. For example, if
fixFiles(files): Promise<TextlintFixResult[]>
lint text and return fixer messagesfixText(text, filePath): Promise<TextlintFixResult>
lint text with virtual filePath and return fixer messagesfixFiles
does not modify files
scanFilePath(filePath): Promise<ScanFilePathResult>
check the the file path is lintable or not
: load.textlintrc
config file and return a descriptor objectloadLinerFormatter
: load formatter
Lint files and output to console
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc, loadLinterFormatter } from "textlint";
// descriptor is a structure object for linter
// It includes rules, plugins, and options
const descriptor = await loadTextlintrc();
const linter = createLinter({
const results = await linter.lintFiles(["*.md"]);
// textlint has two types formatter sets for linter and fixer
const formatter = await loadLinterFormatter({ formatterName: "stylish" });
const output = formatter.format(results);
Fix text and get the fixed text
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc } from "textlint";
// descriptor is a structure object for linter
// It includes rules, plugins, and options
const descriptor = await loadTextlintrc();
const linter = createLinter({
const result = await linter.fixText("TODO: fix me", "");
console.log(result.output); // fixed result
Add custom rules and plugins
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc } from "textlint";
import { TextlintKernelDescriptor } from "@textlint/kernel";
import { moduleInterop } from "@textlint/module-interop";
// Create a descriptor for custom rules and plugins
const customDescriptor = new TextlintKernelDescriptor({
rules: [
ruleId: "custom-rule",
rule: moduleInterop((await import("./custom-plugin")).default)
plugins: [
pluginId: "custom-plugin",
plugin: moduleInterop((await import("./custom-plugin")).default)
const textlintrcDescriptor = await loadTextlintrc();
const linter = createLinter({
// merge customDescriptor and textlintrcDescriptor
// if same ruleId or pluginId, customDescriptor is used.
descriptor: customDescriptor.concat(textlintrcDescriptor)
// The second param should be a filename whose extension hints at the type
// of content being passed to lintText(), e.g. for Markdown.
const result = await linter.lintText("TODO: fix me", "");
Get lintable file extensions
provide list of supported file extensions.
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc } from "textlint";
const textlintrcDescriptor = await loadTextlintrc();
const availableExtensions = textlintrcDescriptor.availableExtensions;
console.log(availableExtensions); // => [".md", ".txt"]
Want to know the file path is lintable or not
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc } from "textlint";
const textlintrcDescriptor = await loadTextlintrc();
const linter = createLinter({
descriptor: textlintrcDescriptor
const result = await linter.scanFilePath("");
// result.status is "ok" or "ignored" or "error"
if (result.status === "ok") {
const lintResult = await linter.lintText("README content", "");
Deprecated APIs
[Deprecated] Engine
textlint has two engines TextLintEngine
and TextFixEngine
Both engine
- Load configuration from
. - Handle multiple files or text string.
- Return an array of
- actually, return a Promise like
- actually, return a Promise like
[Deprecated] You can use @textlint/legacy-textlint-core
package instead of TextlintCore
- Accept configuration as object.
- Handle a single file or text string.
- Return
- actually, return a Promise like
- actually, return a Promise like
TextLintEngine Example
Lint files using TextLintEngine
See examples/use-as-module/index.js
const TextLintEngine = require("textlint").TextLintEngine;
const path = require("path");
function lintFile(filePath) {
const options = {
// load rules from [../rules]
rules: ["no-todo"],
formatterName: "pretty-error"
const engine = new TextLintEngine(options);
const filePathList = [path.resolve(process.cwd(), filePath)];
return engine.executeOnFiles(filePathList).then(function(results) {
if (engine.isErrorResults(results)) {
const output = engine.formatResults(results);
} else {
console.log("All Passed!");
lintFile(`${__dirname}/`).catch(function(error) {
Migration to New API
To migrate to the new API from the old API, you may need to make additional changes beyond just changing to a different method.
Old API:
const TextLintEngine = require("textlint").TextLintEngine;
// Rely on textlint finding the config automatically.
const engine = new TextLintEngine();
New API:
// Import node helpers to get the config path.
import path from "node:path";
import { cwd } from "node:process";
import { createLinter, loadTextlintrc } from "textlint";
// Load config using helpers to pass into createLinter().
const descriptor = await loadTextlintrc({
configFilePath: path.join(cwd(), ".textlintrc.json")
const linter = createLinter({
Replace with linter.lintText()
Old API:
const ruleText = "Tihs is my text.";
const results = await engine.executeOnText(ruleText);
New API -- dummy filename to determine content type.
const ruleText = "Tihs is my text.";
const results = await linter.lintText(ruleText, 'dummy.txt');
You can use textlint-tester for testing your custom rule.
Consult link: